please don't go there with your open heart if day
should close within on how you've sought for glory
my faith resides in how your inner fray
will leave you for how often you have prayed
will leave you for how often you have prayed
so if your deepest thoughts have been the borer
of mournfulness to sadden you with gray
ensuingly as you tell me your story
please don't go there with your open heart if day
should live and die an unrecalled galore
should live and die an unrecalled galore
and if it seems as if shadows remain
i'll try to lead your mind from all the horror
through every night until your doubt is slain
while as I whisper from where I still quarry
through every night until your doubt is slain
while as I whisper from where I still quarry
may this meet you faithfully halfway
to drain your pain from every dream of worry
please don't go there with your open heart today
when the thought of never trying
embraces in the dark
when I fail to find my way
and drift into the night
when I can't help myself
when I can't help myself
from feeling quite as nice
when I dwell inside my head
when my blindness finds me there
I wonder if they see
how I hide beneath my layers
how I hide beneath my layers
when I seem so much aloof
when my aim is so unfocused
when my intellect is off
I wonder do they notice?
Warning: Strong language
call me a dreamer 'cause I'm often in my head
dear lord am I evil for the tears I don't shed?
see, I can't help it, not at all, my mind swerves and it spins
there are days when the craziness invites itself in
this whole world is a shit hole, we're all livin' in fear
even the wide-eyed are blind to what they see in the mirror
sometimes I fall to the darkness that society bestows
not knowing the difference between my friends and my foes
for all the bad out there who can truely understand?
there just aren't enough answers to the questions at hand
the devil grins with a veil over humanities eyes
now how the fuck are the cosmos supposed to hear all our cries
you see, what's done in the dark will never fail to find light
it's uncommon nowadays for one to stand up and fight
oh, this is how it is, my every day is unjust
so how the hell am I to take it when I'm bound to combust?
dear lord am I evil for the tears I don't shed?
see, I can't help it, not at all, my mind swerves and it spins
there are days when the craziness invites itself in
this whole world is a shit hole, we're all livin' in fear
even the wide-eyed are blind to what they see in the mirror
sometimes I fall to the darkness that society bestows
not knowing the difference between my friends and my foes
for all the bad out there who can truely understand?
there just aren't enough answers to the questions at hand
the devil grins with a veil over humanities eyes
now how the fuck are the cosmos supposed to hear all our cries
you see, what's done in the dark will never fail to find light
it's uncommon nowadays for one to stand up and fight
oh, this is how it is, my every day is unjust
so how the hell am I to take it when I'm bound to combust?
the faintest hope
here by my view
which i have bled
through shades of blue
a seldom touch
a seldom touch
when my soul mourns
a lasting dream
in which i'm scorned
when my thoughts ebb
and flow toward
and flow toward
this feeling draws
like as a sword
then penetrates
into your heart
then causes me
to fall apart
like as prayer
i call to mind
your every whim
and how we'll bind
into a sea
of nothing new
we're together
grazing the asphalt
you taught me
how to destroy my every dream...
how to die with passion through each
turning lie
i tried, i tried...
until i could no longer feel
my soul
i can't help but to love
the way your breath
intermingles with the night air
it ripples an utterance
of why i
your face
an expression that
says it all:
you're utterly
i snivel.
when His own voice from mountains high
reflects the sense He is bereft
of all the goodness angel's cry
by and by and with every step
He'll journey throughout this mortal realm
with peace deep in His heart - content
with more to give while overwhelmed
it 'tis the aim of His intent
no one may see Him, no one may dare
for those who often do forget
are frightened, lost and in despair
and by their sight - blurry and wet
He knows what lies within their hearts
He knows their pain, He feels their grief
He whispers soft 'oh leave the dark'
despite the lack of their belief
Art Inspired,
a dance
a mossy dream
on a penetrating night
so much so
that its embrace
in spectacular shapes)
an unparalleled
as it sways
amid the stars
so bright, so bright
leaving me
in 'awe'
an unparalleled
as it sways
amid the stars
so bright, so bright
leaving me
in 'awe'
So intimate tonight
To touch her lips imbued in tears
To gain a brand new sight
The glee aroused within my heart
Has painted all my thoughts
To glow with such vitality
For everything she sought
The stars persuade our destiny
While life embraces through
The fortune of a new era
Igniting what is true
I dote upon her eloquence
Now feeling I belong
No matter what, I love her now
I've loved her all along
tonight you will not see me
as the moon can't see the sun
and the stars up high in the ponderous sky
unveil what must be done
when life begins and ends with doubt
a line so frail and weak
please think me not as careless dear
for in this my heart speaks
as vague as i may seem sometimes
i know that you still cry
you shiver to the storms that dwell
within you as you try
oh how i hate myself right now
for all i've put you through
tonight you will not see me
in such i bid adieu
come dance, yes dance with my thoughts, dear
and let this fortune stay
soon I know it will all be clear
when beneath the moon we sway
guided by a trail of stars
into the sweet embrace
of what will soon unveil our scars
and heal them with no trace
then when it ends with one last kiss
I pray that once again
we meet through what defines such bliss
and nevermore refrain
I swear I am in love with you
so deep and true and mad
with all that you have shown as true
I do not feel as sad
i sense
you ever peering through
my captivation
as words bleed of beauty...
my love, you've always been of
my righteous breath
while sensing you as i traverse
my very soul
through days of yore when once
so peacefully we slept
and loved, and loved again, and
again... forever imprinted atop forever
and ideally with only you;
my one, my all, my very own,
i will lastingly believe it's here
we've affectionately stood,
no matter how imperfectly i am able
to engross.
you ever peering through
my captivation
as words bleed of beauty...
my love, you've always been of
my righteous breath
while sensing you as i traverse
my very soul
through days of yore when once
so peacefully we slept
and loved, and loved again, and
again... forever imprinted atop forever
and ideally with only you;
my one, my all, my very own,
i will lastingly believe it's here
we've affectionately stood,
no matter how imperfectly i am able
to engross.
the truth of this
blends as an enchanting fantasy
while breathing its sweetest breath
against the sheathing
of my soul
i veil my eyes, the waves whisper to the shore
and echo, echo, echo... seducing me,
then i gaze to the heavens and think
only of her touch
without warning she finds my thoughts
and finds me
(in the flesh... half exposed)
for her private pleasure
i'm awakened to arousing kisses
on the strand while
her soft lips bring me to die
for every ounce of her i am fed;
my sweet enchantress, my Erato
the salty taste imbues across my tongue
and spontaneously inflames my passion for her--
so contiguous and... intensified
"take me" she soothingly whispers
so i caress against her thigh,
gradually moving my hand to her secret Eden,
and her body, oh that flawless body,
with stirred expression appeals to me
while she lets out a deep and fervent gasp
this gently baits my lustful appetite and so
lower, lower, lower i trail my hungry mouth, my lips,
my tongue to feed from the depth of her
i feel her latch on to my unfolded raven hair and moan
as i explore softly against
her juices flow, enjoying her
(while lush desire kindles)
the scent is so beautiful and following my fill
i slowly climb to greet the peak
of her voluptuous curves with my
scouring urge
like wildfire she beckons me
through a savoriness of bliss
with unseeing eyes... her enticing kiss
and then oh,
i push my love evenly in her while she holds me
closer, closer, closer still
while a delighted inhale, which carries me
nearly to weakness, confesses
delicately she looks into my eyes as
the truest bliss settles in and we
are celestially intertwined -- making love with eternity
blends as an enchanting fantasy
while breathing its sweetest breath
against the sheathing
of my soul
i veil my eyes, the waves whisper to the shore
and echo, echo, echo... seducing me,
then i gaze to the heavens and think
only of her touch
without warning she finds my thoughts
and finds me
(in the flesh... half exposed)
for her private pleasure
i'm awakened to arousing kisses
on the strand while
her soft lips bring me to die
for every ounce of her i am fed;
my sweet enchantress, my Erato
the salty taste imbues across my tongue
and spontaneously inflames my passion for her--
so contiguous and... intensified
"take me" she soothingly whispers
so i caress against her thigh,
gradually moving my hand to her secret Eden,
and her body, oh that flawless body,
with stirred expression appeals to me
while she lets out a deep and fervent gasp
this gently baits my lustful appetite and so
lower, lower, lower i trail my hungry mouth, my lips,
my tongue to feed from the depth of her
i feel her latch on to my unfolded raven hair and moan
as i explore softly against
her juices flow, enjoying her
(while lush desire kindles)
the scent is so beautiful and following my fill
i slowly climb to greet the peak
of her voluptuous curves with my
scouring urge
like wildfire she beckons me
through a savoriness of bliss
with unseeing eyes... her enticing kiss
and then oh,
i push my love evenly in her while she holds me
closer, closer, closer still
while a delighted inhale, which carries me
nearly to weakness, confesses
delicately she looks into my eyes as
the truest bliss settles in and we
are celestially intertwined -- making love with eternity
remaining quiet and dead
a lonely angel in her tears
condemned what love had bled
it was when beauty rang as true
beyond a darkened storm
that through a dream which bloomed and bloomed
she took an earthly form
embracing what true offerings
our realm just may extend
when chasing what she longed to have
a lifetime she would spend
to have and hold the heart of one
who promised her a life
which would not veil her deep in gloom
and yet he drew a knife
that aimed to see what may derive
from there within her heart
and as he twisted it in her
it tore her world apart
and so she turned that knife away
to bury it in him
then doubted she could trust again
as dreams do ripen dim
from this there seems to be
no escape
as I sense an angel whose beauty
my heart
and while her essence molds
the reaping of
what I have ever
longed to know
a tear trickles by the notion that
may unceasingly
desire to
corner her
through her
I wish our Father would grant me
my one chance
to redeem my empty-handed soul
if only
she might remember
what it is to love
and know again
the touch
of empathy
no escape
as I sense an angel whose beauty
my heart
and while her essence molds
the reaping of
what I have ever
longed to know
a tear trickles by the notion that
may unceasingly
desire to
corner her
through her
I wish our Father would grant me
my one chance
to redeem my empty-handed soul
if only
she might remember
what it is to love
and know again
the touch
of empathy
and if to fall with her
be a blessing
then I wish go
way of all flesh
liberate her
from that
unrighteous salvation
be a blessing
then I wish go
way of all flesh
liberate her
from that
unrighteous salvation
came from nothing
at least
that is my belief
wrought deep in silence
formed to embrace a yearning
only you
could endure
and I
wrote of life and swore love
for fools who
masqueraded it
for their own
selfish purpose
and our dreams
were to a degree of wisdom
left by one who sent to us
the sweetest taste:
our heaven
the solitude we once knew
the solitude we once knew
broke through time and bore
an eloquence
that then
our love
how truly magnificent
it is
My love, it's you I shall softly revive
When beauty escapes and withers and dies
And before your grave as the rain soaks the earth
Within that moment you may long to traverse
I'll reawaken your heart and for me
You'll remain as my life in solace, my queen
'Til you yearn and reveal to me your hunger
And kiss me as sweet as the heavens asunder
This gift of eternal life is for you
Beneath the pale, pale light of the moon
I weep as you overwhelm my still heart
Now rise my beloved and follow the dark
a burgeoning view of pleasure's depth
released me once from life
into a dream where beauty gleamed
from darkness to daylight
I could not fathom where I was
though honestly I knew
that dear Erato bore her breath
and held me in the nude
her eyes were of such deep secret
which beckoned me to touch
unwearied, pure, and intimate
she was more than enough
until I woke her waterfalls
which brought me to release
my soul, my light, my everything
then sunk my poise beneath
how ravishing she was to have
to savor, and to hold
oh, I remember how she felt
from where her rivers flowed
a burgeoning view of pleasure's depth
releasing me from life
into a dream where beauty gleamed
from darkness to daylight
released me once from life
into a dream where beauty gleamed
from darkness to daylight
I could not fathom where I was
though honestly I knew
that dear Erato bore her breath
and held me in the nude
her eyes were of such deep secret
which beckoned me to touch
unwearied, pure, and intimate
she was more than enough
until I woke her waterfalls
which brought me to release
my soul, my light, my everything
then sunk my poise beneath
how ravishing she was to have
to savor, and to hold
oh, I remember how she felt
from where her rivers flowed
a burgeoning view of pleasure's depth
releasing me from life
into a dream where beauty gleamed
from darkness to daylight
i etch in stone the sight of my mind's eye
through broken words that i have wished for her
to know when all my thoughts bring me to cry
of all the reasons my future's a blur
while memories still linger in my pain
and i hold in my soul this cross to bear
to where i sense through dreams i'll not again
confess my deepest thirst, i now forswear
i cannot claim to be one who exists
nor can i say that i am now at peace
my passion died, i long to bare my wrists
wide open and so forth this hurt will cease
the sadness that she gave me through her ways
will haunt me here and now for all my days
through broken words that i have wished for her
to know when all my thoughts bring me to cry
of all the reasons my future's a blur
while memories still linger in my pain
and i hold in my soul this cross to bear
to where i sense through dreams i'll not again
confess my deepest thirst, i now forswear
i cannot claim to be one who exists
nor can i say that i am now at peace
my passion died, i long to bare my wrists
wide open and so forth this hurt will cease
the sadness that she gave me through her ways
will haunt me here and now for all my days
my eyes against the lovely sky
this evening's lilac hues
i stand between june and july
and whisper "i love you"
for how your faith has touched my heart
then see us both entwine
until the sun dies for the dark
much as you are not mine
i dance bathetically for breath
beneath a willow tree
for it's of you i am bereft
i twist the knife you sheathe
then bring an end to how i flame
with passion for your soul
and though that passion will all drain
i'll never let you go
this evening's lilac hues
i stand between june and july
and whisper "i love you"
for how your faith has touched my heart
then see us both entwine
until the sun dies for the dark
much as you are not mine
i dance bathetically for breath
beneath a willow tree
for it's of you i am bereft
i twist the knife you sheathe
then bring an end to how i flame
with passion for your soul
and though that passion will all drain
i'll never let you go
Here by the candlelight alone in the night
Beyond my belief as I bury my woes
I know you will find the words I convey
Painted on the door for the things that I hold
By the shattering point of my thoughts that embrace
Everything I ask you to surrender for me
To have us together beneath coated skies
And not die in the very first moment I weave
All in all by my life and the ripen day
And that radiance burning within you, the night
Becomes my companion while I long for your heart
Sensing you'll find on the wall that I write
My confessions of love that I'll surely endow
To you as I search for all that I've lost
For what I believed to have seen in your pain
And how you take me from the places I've crossed
So what I will scrawl for you on the wall
Pours from my heart and soul which does mirror
Things in your thoughts that will soon lock away
The beauty you bare and unveil through your tears
Beyond my belief as I bury my woes
I know you will find the words I convey
Painted on the door for the things that I hold
By the shattering point of my thoughts that embrace
Everything I ask you to surrender for me
To have us together beneath coated skies
And not die in the very first moment I weave
All in all by my life and the ripen day
And that radiance burning within you, the night
Becomes my companion while I long for your heart
Sensing you'll find on the wall that I write
My confessions of love that I'll surely endow
To you as I search for all that I've lost
For what I believed to have seen in your pain
And how you take me from the places I've crossed
So what I will scrawl for you on the wall
Pours from my heart and soul which does mirror
Things in your thoughts that will soon lock away
The beauty you bare and unveil through your tears
a flowing calm
of tearssplashed that
transparent canvas
by a soul
who stroke
through a cold embrace
it received the sadness
burned through her
and knew
how mournful her intentions were
was her only thought
as bittersweet
a lullaby
night could sing
the canvas to that painter
her perfect vessel
Art Inspired,
i left
to tread upon a path
i had no intent to remain on
walked an empty back road
and happened upon a picturesque view
during an hour in which
perfection sought
so beautiful...
my muse embraced
and traveled
to fetch my soul
of the way the shadows reached
lost and mesmerized
a delicate feature caught my eye:
the bird who flew the sun away
and i thought
i could write a poem here
within a cask
of tears
torn by the revelations
of yesterday
she'll drown, she'll drown
straining for an ounce of life
to breathe
her pain swells
into a murky shape
wrought by
her every
silent cry
and how she feels
the very essence she wrote in blood
for him
poured from a place
that she will never
and so
she dies in her pain
he'll never love her
don't tempt your heart to shaded sky
to find a love that makes you cry
just search inside for thoughts as sweet
and one that can make you complete
to traverse through an ageless view
and by your life a dream as true
within your soul where truth can bare
says that someone out there cares
for beauty's writ in all the stars
that your fate so near and far
can reach out to a tender heart
though at times you fall apart
so should you mourn throughout the night
take shelter through a dreamy flight
and trust how sure-enough love is
to live and know a soul like his
to find a love that makes you cry
just search inside for thoughts as sweet
and one that can make you complete
to traverse through an ageless view
and by your life a dream as true
within your soul where truth can bare
says that someone out there cares
for beauty's writ in all the stars
that your fate so near and far
can reach out to a tender heart
though at times you fall apart
so should you mourn throughout the night
take shelter through a dreamy flight
and trust how sure-enough love is
to live and know a soul like his
i rouse the hard luck of my youth
inside my mind then paint it here
for all that i now understand
it seems to me that love is rare
the days have come and surely gone
when i was but a little boy
my world was rough and filled with blame
for everything within that void
no sympathy was for me then
no solitude for me to hide
my youth was but a broken dream
by which a tearful lullaby
was sung to calm my weariness
and yet it failed to sooth my heart
my angels could not guide me from
the road on which my soul embarked
with every day and every night
i whispered such a hopeful prayer
then closed my eyes to dream again
into a place of no despair
inside my mind then paint it here
for all that i now understand
it seems to me that love is rare
the days have come and surely gone
when i was but a little boy
my world was rough and filled with blame
for everything within that void
no sympathy was for me then
no solitude for me to hide
my youth was but a broken dream
by which a tearful lullaby
was sung to calm my weariness
and yet it failed to sooth my heart
my angels could not guide me from
the road on which my soul embarked
with every day and every night
i whispered such a hopeful prayer
then closed my eyes to dream again
into a place of no despair
sojourning thirst
reposed over my tongue
yearning, yearning for the taste
of your beautiful body
i've awakened for the salt
on your blushing lips,
to take in your secret self
and breathe it in as though
my next breath
just may be the last
to me this is enchantment as i
fantasize of you
entwined and alluring as ever
deeply with only me
love, i can never consign your memory
to oblivion
so long as you haunt me forever
and dream as i've always dreamt
of you.
There's no way to take me back
From the life that I guide behind
The secret door I keep
Revisiting within my mind
Where death walks throughout my fate
Beneath that mournful sky
I watch how the clouds open
And I've never thought to ask why
My loneliness has never seemed
To fail and wash away
So if I engrave you here
Will you swear that you'll always stay
I wail out my soul to you
With each night that gives and takes
And embrace the undying hours
Of the life that you awake
From the life that I guide behind
The secret door I keep
Revisiting within my mind
Where death walks throughout my fate
Beneath that mournful sky
I watch how the clouds open
And I've never thought to ask why
My loneliness has never seemed
To fail and wash away
So if I engrave you here
Will you swear that you'll always stay
I wail out my soul to you
With each night that gives and takes
And embrace the undying hours
Of the life that you awake
I realize now more than ever
That the things I have wished were perfect
Can never be so in this glitch
Of a life as I wonder if it's worth it
To carry on day in and day out
With the weight of my so called existence
To others I feel I'm pathetic
As they focus on my imperfections
My life remains as endless pages
And chapters of tears and pain
From time to time I dare to smile
But it always ends in shame
So who am I and why am I here
If I've never felt I was needed
There are times I cry in the night
Wishing I knew the reason
That the things I have wished were perfect
Can never be so in this glitch
Of a life as I wonder if it's worth it
To carry on day in and day out
With the weight of my so called existence
To others I feel I'm pathetic
As they focus on my imperfections
My life remains as endless pages
And chapters of tears and pain
From time to time I dare to smile
But it always ends in shame
So who am I and why am I here
If I've never felt I was needed
There are times I cry in the night
Wishing I knew the reason
i stand beneath the night then weep
and yearn for her again
unending in my every thought
is how i bring back when
she neared as the eclipsing skies
began to pour and heave
they bore far more than sweet delight
than all of dreams could weave
as far as love endowed the kiss
which brought my heart to sigh
while swirling in the pheromones
of liquid sunshine skies
the sweet appetence of her lips
were made from heaven's light
i need the way she surges through
my weary soul tonight
i think more how i crave that love
as i recall her face
and grip my raven hair then weep
while reveries embrace
absorbing this can never be
again for i'm alone
and so i'll sit beneath the night
in fragile somber tone
and yearn for her again
unending in my every thought
is how i bring back when
she neared as the eclipsing skies
began to pour and heave
they bore far more than sweet delight
than all of dreams could weave
as far as love endowed the kiss
which brought my heart to sigh
while swirling in the pheromones
of liquid sunshine skies
the sweet appetence of her lips
were made from heaven's light
i need the way she surges through
my weary soul tonight
i think more how i crave that love
as i recall her face
and grip my raven hair then weep
while reveries embrace
absorbing this can never be
again for i'm alone
and so i'll sit beneath the night
in fragile somber tone
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