when His own voice from mountains high
reflects the sense He is bereft
of all the goodness angel's cry
by and by and with every step
He'll journey throughout this mortal realm
with peace deep in His heart - content
with more to give while overwhelmed
it 'tis the aim of His intent
no one may see Him, no one may dare
for those who often do forget
are frightened, lost and in despair
and by their sight - blurry and wet
He knows what lies within their hearts
He knows their pain, He feels their grief
He whispers soft 'oh leave the dark'
despite the lack of their belief
Art Inspired,
a dance
a mossy dream
on a penetrating night
so much so
that its embrace
in spectacular shapes)
an unparalleled
as it sways
amid the stars
so bright, so bright
leaving me
in 'awe'
an unparalleled
as it sways
amid the stars
so bright, so bright
leaving me
in 'awe'
So intimate tonight
To touch her lips imbued in tears
To gain a brand new sight
The glee aroused within my heart
Has painted all my thoughts
To glow with such vitality
For everything she sought
The stars persuade our destiny
While life embraces through
The fortune of a new era
Igniting what is true
I dote upon her eloquence
Now feeling I belong
No matter what, I love her now
I've loved her all along
tonight you will not see me
as the moon can't see the sun
and the stars up high in the ponderous sky
unveil what must be done
when life begins and ends with doubt
a line so frail and weak
please think me not as careless dear
for in this my heart speaks
as vague as i may seem sometimes
i know that you still cry
you shiver to the storms that dwell
within you as you try
oh how i hate myself right now
for all i've put you through
tonight you will not see me
in such i bid adieu
come dance, yes dance with my thoughts, dear
and let this fortune stay
soon I know it will all be clear
when beneath the moon we sway
guided by a trail of stars
into the sweet embrace
of what will soon unveil our scars
and heal them with no trace
then when it ends with one last kiss
I pray that once again
we meet through what defines such bliss
and nevermore refrain
I swear I am in love with you
so deep and true and mad
with all that you have shown as true
I do not feel as sad
i sense
you ever peering through
my captivation
as words bleed of beauty...
my love, you've always been of
my righteous breath
while sensing you as i traverse
my very soul
through days of yore when once
so peacefully we slept
and loved, and loved again, and
again... forever imprinted atop forever
and ideally with only you;
my one, my all, my very own,
i will lastingly believe it's here
we've affectionately stood,
no matter how imperfectly i am able
to engross.
you ever peering through
my captivation
as words bleed of beauty...
my love, you've always been of
my righteous breath
while sensing you as i traverse
my very soul
through days of yore when once
so peacefully we slept
and loved, and loved again, and
again... forever imprinted atop forever
and ideally with only you;
my one, my all, my very own,
i will lastingly believe it's here
we've affectionately stood,
no matter how imperfectly i am able
to engross.
the truth of this
blends as an enchanting fantasy
while breathing its sweetest breath
against the sheathing
of my soul
i veil my eyes, the waves whisper to the shore
and echo, echo, echo... seducing me,
then i gaze to the heavens and think
only of her touch
without warning she finds my thoughts
and finds me
(in the flesh... half exposed)
for her private pleasure
i'm awakened to arousing kisses
on the strand while
her soft lips bring me to die
for every ounce of her i am fed;
my sweet enchantress, my Erato
the salty taste imbues across my tongue
and spontaneously inflames my passion for her--
so contiguous and... intensified
"take me" she soothingly whispers
so i caress against her thigh,
gradually moving my hand to her secret Eden,
and her body, oh that flawless body,
with stirred expression appeals to me
while she lets out a deep and fervent gasp
this gently baits my lustful appetite and so
lower, lower, lower i trail my hungry mouth, my lips,
my tongue to feed from the depth of her
i feel her latch on to my unfolded raven hair and moan
as i explore softly against
her juices flow, enjoying her
(while lush desire kindles)
the scent is so beautiful and following my fill
i slowly climb to greet the peak
of her voluptuous curves with my
scouring urge
like wildfire she beckons me
through a savoriness of bliss
with unseeing eyes... her enticing kiss
and then oh,
i push my love evenly in her while she holds me
closer, closer, closer still
while a delighted inhale, which carries me
nearly to weakness, confesses
delicately she looks into my eyes as
the truest bliss settles in and we
are celestially intertwined -- making love with eternity
blends as an enchanting fantasy
while breathing its sweetest breath
against the sheathing
of my soul
i veil my eyes, the waves whisper to the shore
and echo, echo, echo... seducing me,
then i gaze to the heavens and think
only of her touch
without warning she finds my thoughts
and finds me
(in the flesh... half exposed)
for her private pleasure
i'm awakened to arousing kisses
on the strand while
her soft lips bring me to die
for every ounce of her i am fed;
my sweet enchantress, my Erato
the salty taste imbues across my tongue
and spontaneously inflames my passion for her--
so contiguous and... intensified
"take me" she soothingly whispers
so i caress against her thigh,
gradually moving my hand to her secret Eden,
and her body, oh that flawless body,
with stirred expression appeals to me
while she lets out a deep and fervent gasp
this gently baits my lustful appetite and so
lower, lower, lower i trail my hungry mouth, my lips,
my tongue to feed from the depth of her
i feel her latch on to my unfolded raven hair and moan
as i explore softly against
her juices flow, enjoying her
(while lush desire kindles)
the scent is so beautiful and following my fill
i slowly climb to greet the peak
of her voluptuous curves with my
scouring urge
like wildfire she beckons me
through a savoriness of bliss
with unseeing eyes... her enticing kiss
and then oh,
i push my love evenly in her while she holds me
closer, closer, closer still
while a delighted inhale, which carries me
nearly to weakness, confesses
delicately she looks into my eyes as
the truest bliss settles in and we
are celestially intertwined -- making love with eternity
remaining quiet and dead
a lonely angel in her tears
condemned what love had bled
it was when beauty rang as true
beyond a darkened storm
that through a dream which bloomed and bloomed
she took an earthly form
embracing what true offerings
our realm just may extend
when chasing what she longed to have
a lifetime she would spend
to have and hold the heart of one
who promised her a life
which would not veil her deep in gloom
and yet he drew a knife
that aimed to see what may derive
from there within her heart
and as he twisted it in her
it tore her world apart
and so she turned that knife away
to bury it in him
then doubted she could trust again
as dreams do ripen dim
from this there seems to be
no escape
as I sense an angel whose beauty
my heart
and while her essence molds
the reaping of
what I have ever
longed to know
a tear trickles by the notion that
may unceasingly
desire to
corner her
through her
I wish our Father would grant me
my one chance
to redeem my empty-handed soul
if only
she might remember
what it is to love
and know again
the touch
of empathy
no escape
as I sense an angel whose beauty
my heart
and while her essence molds
the reaping of
what I have ever
longed to know
a tear trickles by the notion that
may unceasingly
desire to
corner her
through her
I wish our Father would grant me
my one chance
to redeem my empty-handed soul
if only
she might remember
what it is to love
and know again
the touch
of empathy
and if to fall with her
be a blessing
then I wish go
way of all flesh
liberate her
from that
unrighteous salvation
be a blessing
then I wish go
way of all flesh
liberate her
from that
unrighteous salvation
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